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Product Overview

Topcon Aladdin HW 3.0 Biometer with Corneal Topography

This item is no longer available for sale. Try the Haag-Streit Lenstar Optical Biometer instead.


Onboard Barrett IOL Calcuation Suite 

Dr. Graham D. Barrett developed the Barrett formula in 2013 and takes into account the posterior cornea considering the lens position for each individual patient instead calculating IOL power by estimating 
lens thickness based on patient’s age. The Barrett formula uses the Universal II, which is a method of predicting IOL power to work out where the lens is and utilizes that information to calculate the effect of the cylinder power at the cornea. 
The Universal II formula was also developed by  Dr. Barrett. Dr. Barrett’s formula considers the  thickness and shape of the lens as well, which  provides a more sophisticated way of predicting  and translating the cylinder power. The formula  is able to predict posterior corneal curvature  without actually measuring it. The new version of  the Aladdin, accurately measures the lens thickness, an important component of the Barrett formula.
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Onboard Olsen Formula 

The Aladdin HW3.0 provides precise measurements of the internal structures of the eye including Central Corneal Thickness and Crystalline Lens Thickness.   Those measurements used in combination with the on-board Olsen IOL calculation formula provides accurate IOL power calculations in virtually all types of eyes regardless of size. The Olsen formula utilizes a newly developed concept by Dr. Olsen called the C-constant which predicts the Effective Lens Position (ELP) when performing in-the-bag IOL implants. This model also predicts the lens position of anterior chamber IOLs. The C-constant approach performs independently of other conventional measurements such as axial length, keratometry, white-to-white length, IOL power, etc. It will provide accurate IOL calculations in any type of eye.
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Abulafia-Koch astigmatism cylinder correction for 
Toric IOL calculations incorporated

The Abulafia-Koch correction formula calculates the estimated total corneal astigmatism based on standard keratometry measurements. 
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Precise Toric IOL Calculation

A robust generic Toric IOL calculator is incorporated into the Aladdin software. This integrated toric IOL calculator saves time and avoids unnecessary mistakes when manually entering data online. IOL toric rotation simulation software calculates the induced spherical and cylindrical power for every 5 degrees that the toric IOL rotates. Surgically Induced Astigmatism (SIA) and Incision Location (IL) are displayed for each model of toric IOL.
Aberrometry analysis (Zernike) 

Zernike analysis of the topographic data provides  the Optical Path Difference (OPD) and information  on astigmatism, spherical aberrations, high order  aberrations and Coma for pupil sizes of 2.5mm to 7.0mm. When using the actual Spherical Aberration provided by Zernike analysis, you can select the  appropriate aspherical IOL with standardized spherical aberration correction according to the patient’s  individual required spherical aberration.
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Full corneal topography provides substantially more information than conventional central keratometry. Corneal topography data is especially useful in the selection of toric IOLs to quickly differentiate regular and irregular astigmatism as well as corneal aberrations. The ALADDIN provides accurate corneal topography obtained from the reflection of a set of 24 Placido rings in combination with a low coherence interferometer. 
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Axial Length 

Using a low-coherence interferometry system  with a super luminescent diode of 850 nm and  signal processing ALADDIN achieves Axial Length measurement with high signal-to-noise ratio and is able to penetrate even high grade dense cataracts. Axial length measurements can be performed on normal eyes as well as on aphakic, pseudophakic and silicone oil-filled eyes.
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Anterior Biometry

Anterior biometry with the ALADDIN makes it  possible to measure Central Corneal Thickness, Anterior Chamber Depth and the Crystalline Lens Thickness. ACD is measured through interferometry providing high precision and reproducibility. All interferometry measurements are shown in a single graph quick reference. 
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During Placido evaluation, pupillary response is observed to assess a pseudo Photopic and pseudo Mesopic pupil size, indicating response and normal range of the pupil. Full pupillometry screening assists to evaluate eyes for multifocal IOL implantation or refractive surgery. For any refractive procedure it is important to carefully evaluate the pupil size in different light conditions to address cases of extremely small or decentered pupils. The ALADDIN can perform pupillometry in three different modes:
  • Dynamic
  • Photopic
  • Mesopic

The ALADDIN automatically measures white-to-white length which can be manually edited. Reliable white-to-white measurement is used for anterior chamber intraocular lens and sulcus fixated posterior chamber intraocular lens calculation in highly myopic eyes.
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Post refractive IOL
In eyes that have previously undergone refractive surgery, spherical aberrations are often outside the standard values. In these cases, the ALADDIN provides the latest generation post-refractive IOL calculation formulae to aid in the selection of the proper lens power. 
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Customizable IOL database

The ALADDIN provides a comprehensive IOL database which can be easily updated using the ULIB site. The surgeon can manually optimize the A- constant for each individual IOL to obtain even a higher level of accuracy every time a cataract surgery is performed. Favorite IOL’s can be selected and programmed for each surgeon, making IOL selection simple and personalized.
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Spectrum Ophthalmics Inc.

4216 NE Minnehana St. Suite 800

Vancouver, WA 98661

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Spectrum Ophthalmics Inc.

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