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Product Overview

Topcon IS-5500 Instrument Stand Main Pic

Topcon IS-5500 Instrument Stand Main Pic

Topcon IS-5500 Instrument Stand Main Pic

Topcon IS-5500 Instrument Stand Main Pic
Topcon IS-5500
Instrument Stand
(Not Available)
The Topcon IS-5500 Instrument Stand includes innovative functions along with traditional Topcon quality and durability. Among the innovations, the IS-5500 features a smaller and more compact design that brings the control panel and the charging wells down towards the user, facilitating their reach.
Easy to reach EZ-Lock Brake Release for easy movement of slit lamp
3 “Smart Charge” wells for hand held instruments
Flexible reading lamp with LED illumination
New unobtrusive connecting cable between the chair and the stand
Illuminated liquid-proof membrane switch control panel
Programmable room light control
Indirect ophthalmoscope connector with rheostat control and pole mounted hanger
Available 3rd arm (fixed and articulated)
Optional CV mount kit
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